To Lee Yuan Swee
To Lee Yuan Swee
To Lee Yuan SweeOct. 9,1914Mr. Lee Yuan Swee 26 Reinanzakac/o Chop Ban Seng Akasaka28 Belfield Street, Ipoh Tokyo, JapanFederated Malay StatesMy dear Mr. Lee:Your letter of Sept. 19th has been received, for which I desireto express my sincere thanks, especially for the whole hearted-ness you have put in the scheme of raising funds for the cause. Im-mediately after I got your letter I cabled you the following: "Informall we have nonconfidence in XX. Chungsan"-Now I wish to ex-plain the reason which prompted the above message. Sometimeago this man XXX came to see me. I heard that he was workingfor the cause with a party of his own. He told me he was going backto Canton soon, so I asked him to join our party and work withus. He answered that he was not working for any party but for him-self and that his motive for going to Canton was solely to see hisfamily. Mr. Hu Hanmin (Ex.-Gov. General of Canton) tried to per-suade him to join us, but in vain. Later I learned that he was inCanton for other reasons than to see his family. When he was hereI told him plainly that if he should deceive me, I would expell himfrom the cause and oppose him in every way. Now I must carryout my decision.As I wrote you in my previous letter, I write you again now,that all the money collected are to be sent directly to me. So pleasestop remitting collections to him immediately. He is very decep-tive and is not a man to be entrusted with anything. Immediatelyafter the First Revolution, he abused the position that he obtainedby executing men by tens of thousands, including Nan Yang peo-ple, without submitting them under any form of trials whatever.He has executed more men than even Yuan Shih Kai. For a manwho abuses his power we must not extend any assistance, and mustkeep him out for the good of the cause. It would, therefore, be ahindrance instead of help to our cause, if any help is rendered him.If you desire to know more about this man you can get infor-mations from Mr. Luk Man Fai.But if the Nan Yang people are not willing to send to me thecollection, I advise them to keep it for themselves instead of giv-ing it to any other man, for it would do harm than good to the cause.Hoping that you have carried out my instruction, and pleaseinform all the people in various places of Nan Yang of this letter.With kindest regards, I am, Yours very sincerely, Sun Yat Sen
To Lee Yuan Swee
Oct. 9,1914
Mr. Lee Yuan Swee 26 Reinanzakac/o Chop Ban Seng Akasaka28 Belfield Street, Ipoh Tokyo, JapanFederated Malay States
My dear Mr. Lee:
Your letter of Sept. 19th has been received, for which I desireto express my sincere thanks, especially for the whole hearted-ness you have put in the scheme of raising funds for the cause. Im-mediately after I got your letter I cabled you the following: "Informall we have nonconfidence in XX. Chungsan"-Now I wish to ex-plain the reason which prompted the above message. Sometimeago this man XXX came to see me. I heard that he was workingfor the cause with a party of his own. He told me he was going backto Canton soon, so I asked him to join our party and work withus. He answered that he was not working for any party but for him-self and that his motive for going to Canton was solely to see hisfamily. Mr. Hu Hanmin (Ex.-Gov. General of Canton) tried to per-suade him to join us, but in vain. Later I learned that he was inCanton for other reasons than to see his family. When he was hereI told him plainly that if he should deceive me, I would expell himfrom the cause and oppose him in every way. Now I must carryout my decision.
Letter to Lee Oct. 9,1914 403
As I wrote you in my previous letter, I write you again now,that all the money collected are to be sent directly to me. So pleasestop remitting collections to him immediately. He is very decep-tive and is not a man to be entrusted with anything. Immediatelyafter the First Revolution, he abused the position that he obtainedby executing men by tens of thousands, including Nan Yang peo-ple, without submitting them under any form of trials whatever.He has executed more men than even Yuan Shih Kai. For a manwho abuses his power we must not extend any assistance, and mustkeep him out for the good of the cause. It would, therefore, be ahindrance instead of help to our cause, if any help is rendered him.If you desire to know more about this man you can get infor-mations from Mr. Luk Man Fai.
But if the Nan Yang people are not willing to send to me thecollection, I advise them to keep it for themselves instead of giv-ing it to any other man, for it would do harm than good to the cause.Hoping that you have carried out my instruction, and pleaseinform all the people in various places of Nan Yang of this letter.With kindest regards, I am,
Yours very sincerely, Sun Yat Sen
Letter to Lee Oct. 9, 1914 404