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To Charles B. Boothe

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To Charles B. Boothe

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Republic of China date


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Sun Yat-Sen

To Charles B. BootheDec. 16, 1910My dear Mr. Beach:Your letters of Oct. 21, and Nov. 1, 1910, had reached me a fewdays before my departure from Penang. As you did not send anycablegram after your letters, I think the question is decided thatwe could not succeed in that line.We are now taking independent measure of our own to startthe great movement in the coming few months. But we are in greatneed of help at present. Can you do anything for us by your ownmeans? Another few hundred thousand could make us carry outeverything perfectly through. But at any case whether we have themoney or not, I am sure of our success in the next move.I left Penang on the 6 December on way to Europe, and willenter the Red Sea by tomorrow. After I finished my business inEurope I will proceed to America and thence to China, I will com-municate with you as soon as I reach American shore. If you woulddo something for us with your own means I will come direct tosee you at Los Angeles.With kindest regards. Very truly yours, Chung San







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To Charles B. Boothe
Dec. 16, 1910

My dear Mr. Beach:
 Your letters of Oct. 21, and Nov. 1, 1910, had reached me a fewdays before my departure from Penang. As you did not send anycablegram after your letters, I think the question is decided thatwe could not succeed in that line.
 We are now taking independent measure of our own to startthe great movement in the coming few months. But we are in greatneed of help at present. Can you do anything for us by your ownmeans? Another few hundred thousand could make us carry outeverything perfectly through. But at any case whether we have themoney or not, I am sure of our success in the next move.I left Penang on the 6 December on way to Europe, and willenter the Red Sea by tomorrow. After I finished my business inEurope I will proceed to America and thence to China, I will com-municate with you as soon as I reach American shore. If you woulddo something for us with your own means I will come direct tosee you at Los Angeles.
 With kindest regards.
Very truly yours, Chung San
Letter to Boothe Dec. 16, 1910 370