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To General Homer Lea detail


To General Homer Lea

學習筆記 勘誤意見
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To General Homer Lea









Sun Yat-Sen

To General Homer LeaOct. 13, 1912 491 Avenue Paul Brunat ShanghaiMy dear Lea:I am very happy to receive your letter of September 15th andalso a letter from Mrs. Lea written two weeks earlier, for both ofwhich I thank you very much. I hope your health will continue toimprove and we may meet in Paris in about two months from now.When Mr. Mitchell's telegram came I was up in Peking. It wastransmitted by my friend to Peking from Shanghai. I was under theimpression that it was a telegram sent by Mr. Mitchell from Shan-ghai. Accordingly I wired back to him trying to make an appoint-ment for a long interview. On my return I found that Mr. Mitchellhad not been to Shanghai at all. Mrs. Lea's letter made it all plain.The conditions in your memorandum are carefully noted. Sev-eral items need to be talked over between us when we meet.My visit to the north has been a great success as you must havelearned from the press. There is far better understanding betweenthe south and the north as a result of this visit. General Hwang hasbeen up there also where he was enthusiastically received too. Heis just now back to Shanghai.Some of the Shansi bankers have approached me to see whetherit would be possible to start an industrial bank. It is hoped that theywould raise five million dollars for the purpose. I am now exchang-ing letters with General Yen of Shansi on the matter.With warmest regards and best wishes to Mrs. Lea and yourself, Sincerely yours, Y. S. Sun








To General Homer Lea
Oct. 13, 1912

491 Avenue Paul Brunat Shanghai
My dear Lea:
 I am very happy to receive your letter of September 15th andalso a letter from Mrs. Lea written two weeks earlier, for both ofwhich I thank you very much. I hope your health will continue toimprove and we may meet in Paris in about two months from now.When Mr. Mitchell's telegram came I was up in Peking. It wastransmitted by my friend to Peking from Shanghai. I was under theimpression that it was a telegram sent by Mr. Mitchell from Shan-ghai. Accordingly I wired back to him trying to make an appoint-ment for a long interview. On my return I found that Mr. Mitchellhad not been to Shanghai at all. Mrs. Lea's letter made it all plain.The conditions in your memorandum are carefully noted. Sev-eral items need to be talked over between us when we meet.My visit to the north has been a great success as you must havelearned from the press. There is far better understanding betweenthe south and the north as a result of this visit. General Hwang hasbeen up there also where he was enthusiastically received too. Heis just now back to Shanghai.

Letter to Homer Lea Oct. 13, 1912 383

Some of the Shansi bankers have approached me to see whetherit would be possible to start an industrial bank. It is hoped that theywould raise five million dollars for the purpose. I am now exchang-ing letters with General Yen of Shansi on the matter.With warmest regards and best wishes to Mrs. Lea and yourself, Sincerely yours, Y. S. Sun
Letter to Homer Lea Oct 13, 1912 384