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To Mrs. Lea detail


To Mrs. Lea

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To Mrs. Lea









Sun Yat-Sen

To Mrs. LeaJune 27, 1912 21 Yates Road, ShanghaiDear Mrs. Lea:I am indeed very glad to learn that you and the General hada pleasant trip home, and what makes me more glad still is to hearthat the General's health is getting stronger daily and the doctorsopine that he will be able to walk about in another time. By thetime this letter reaches you, you will be spending your time in thebeach, and I have no doubt that a change of air and sunshine willdo much to hasten his recovery.By tomorrow's "Shinyo Maru", my son and two daughters willbe leaving for the States to prosecute further studies. Sun Fo willgo to the University of California, to take up what course of studiesit is not yet decided. I trust during his sojourn in the States, he willhave occasion to meet your people.Things in China are gradually getting into proper shape, thebickerings of the political parties in Peking resulting in the enfor-ced retirement of the Premier are nothing very serious. I trust andhope everything will work on smoothly once again before long.I have tried to eschew politics as much as possible, I intendto devote all my energies to develop the natural resources of thiscountry, and particularly to the construction of railways. I hope tosucceed.With every kind wish to you and the General, Yours truly, SUN YAT SEN








To Mrs. Lea
June 27, 1912

21 Yates Road, ShanghaiDear Mrs. Lea:
 I am indeed very glad to learn that you and the General hada pleasant trip home, and what makes me more glad still is to hearthat the General's health is getting stronger daily and the doctorsopine that he will be able to walk about in another time. By thetime this letter reaches you, you will be spending your time in thebeach, and I have no doubt that a change of air and sunshine willdo much to hasten his recovery.
 By tomorrow's "Shinyo Maru", my son and two daughters willbe leaving for the States to prosecute further studies. Sun Fo willgo to the University of California, to take up what course of studiesit is not yet decided. I trust during his sojourn in the States, he willhave occasion to meet your people.
 Things in China are gradually getting into proper shape, thebickerings of the political parties in Peking resulting in the enfor-ced retirement of the Premier are nothing very serious. I trust andhope everything will work on smoothly once again before long.I have tried to eschew politics as much as possible, I intendto devote all my energies to develop the natural resources of this
Letter to Ms. Lea June 27, 1912 381

country, and particularly to the construction of railways. I hope tosucceed.
 With every kind wish to you and the General,
Yours truly, SUN YAT SEN
Letter to Ms. Lea June 27, 1912 382