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To Sewh

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To Sewh









Sun Yat-Sen

To SewhSept. 26, 1906 SaigonMy dear Mr. Sewh:Since I met you I am greatly impressed by your devoted pat-riotism and deeply appreciated of your noble offer of service to thecause of our country. If there were more men like you, our coun-try surely would not fall under the Manchu yoke for such a longtime. Now it is time for the Chinese people to drive this fallen con-queror out from our land, otherwise China will go to pieces verysoon. Though the work is great, it is not a difficult one, for the Man-chu race is in its declining and dying condition. They will not re-main in China any longer. If we do not come up to get rid of them,some other powers will soon do that for us. Then we will be theslaves of another ruling race.If you can arouse the Chinese in Java to their patriotism andmake them come together with us to work for the salvation of ourown country, you will have done a great work for the cause. Whatis most important now is the sinew of war. At once we got that,we could make war to drive out our usurper at any time. And thissinew of war can only be got from rich place such as Java. Yourwork is a noble one and the fate of our nation depends upon thesuccess or failure of it. Be strong and go ahead without hesitation.Hope God bless and help you. Great success be stored to you. Very truly yours, Y. S. Sun








To Sewh
Sept. 26, 1906

SaigonMy dear Mr. Sewh:
 Since I met you I am greatly impressed by your devoted pat-riotism and deeply appreciated of your noble offer of service to thecause of our country. If there were more men like you, our coun-try surely would not fall under the Manchu yoke for such a longtime. Now it is time for the Chinese people to drive this fallen con-queror out from our land, otherwise China will go to pieces verysoon. Though the work is great, it is not a difficult one, for the Man-chu race is in its declining and dying condition. They will not re-main in China any longer. If we do not come up to get rid of them,some other powers will soon do that for us. Then we will be theslaves of another ruling race.
 If you can arouse the Chinese in Java to their patriotism andmake them come together with us to work for the salvation of ourown country, you will have done a great work for the cause. Whatis most important now is the sinew of war. At once we got that,we could make war to drive out our usurper at any time. And thissinew of war can only be got from rich place such as Java. Yourwork is a noble one and the fate of our nation depends upon the
Letter to Sewh Sept. 26, 1906 327

success or failure of it. Be strong and go ahead without hesitation.Hope God bless and help you. Great success be stored to you. Very truly yours, Y. S. Sun
Letter to Sewh Sept. 26, 1906 328