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To General Homer Lea detail


To General Homer Lea

學習筆記 勘誤意見
19 次數
120 次數

To General Homer Lea









Sun Yat-Sen

To General Homer LeaSept. 5, 1910 Penang Straits SettlementsMy dear General:I just received a letter from Mr. B. dated June 25, New York,which gives very encouraging news; but since that time neither ofyou send me any word, as I had arranged in a letter to you fromJapan; so I supposed Mr. B's project might have been failed or de-layed. I wrote to Mr. B. in reply asking him to send me $50,000in advance from his own account, if he think that the project ofraising fund is sured. Then when the matter settled he may havehis money back in two folds as interest for his risk. For I need themoney for preparatory work very much, if I can have this sum nowI can do a work ten times much as the same money can do in afew months after.As I have told you in my last letter that encouraging news camefrom every part in China. Co-operation could be easily obtainedin many districts along the Kwangtung coast. We can start a move-ment with a much easier and quicker way than that as we havearranged in the Long Beach Hotel, and with much less expenses.I feel sure that Canton city can be captured from the outset, thatwill save us all the trouble for a preparation of means and waysto attack it, after the movement is commenced, from outside, forit can be captured by surprise within at any time. In possessionof that city we possess at least a hundred thousand of modern ri-fles and sufficient quantity of ammunitions, and many hundred pie-ces of modern artilleries, and rifle and cartilage factories, and besidesplenty of ready money and vast resources of material supplies. Mostof the leaders are very reluctant to do anything other than capturethat city from the very start. I think also that that city is the mainobject from the beginning and besides it is much easier to captureit at the beginning than afterward. The money used for this pur-pose will be much less than the other scheme which we workedout in America.Now if Mr. B's New York project failed I want you to try someother way to get me half a million dollars (gold), for the Cantonscheme only, put the others aside for a while, until we achieve ourfirst object. Can you succeed in raising that amount of money inthe shortest possible time? If not, try to get as much as you can,but in any case send fifty thousand at once for preparatory work.Since I stopped the movement of this summer in the YangtzeValley and South China in conforming to your advice, all our hopesare concentrated in the American project. I shall be much obligedfor you to let me know at once if your and Mr. B's schemes bothfailed, so that I may take independent measure in the immediatefuture.With kindest regards to you and Miss Power.Very truly yours,ChungsanAddress:Cable address:
Chung San
c/o Tek Cheang
197 Beach Street
Straits SettlementsP.S. If any money order also to the same name. In case of telegraphiccommunication use A.B.C. Code latest edition (5th) by adding 269to the figure of every word. Find the result and send that as cipher.When receiving any message deduct 269 from each word and theresult will be the decipher message.P.S. Before starting the movement from Canton it is a vital impor-tant for us to secure a perfect understanding of the English Gov-ernment. To do this you and I must go to London and work together.If the project of getting money in America is succeeded and the50,000 duly sent to me I will at once set the others to work andI myself go to London immediately to meet you there. And alsohave everything to be arranged beforehand in the city. If all your schemes failed get me as many letters of introduc-tion to Manila as you can and send them to me here at once. Muchobliges.








To General Homer Lea
Sept. 5, 1910

Penang Straits SettlementsMy dear General:
 I just received a letter from Mr. B. dated June 25, New York,which gives very encouraging news; but since that time neither ofyou send me any word, as I had arranged in a letter to you fromJapan; so I supposed Mr. B's project might have been failed or de-layed. I wrote to Mr. B. in reply asking him to send me $50,000in advance from his own account, if he think that the project ofraising fund is sured. Then when the matter settled he may havehis money back in two folds as interest for his risk. For I need themoney for preparatory work very much, if I can have this sum nowI can do a work ten times much as the same money can do in afew months after.
 As I have told you in my last letter that encouraging news camefrom every part in China. Co-operation could be easily obtainedin many districts along the Kwangtung coast. We can start a move-ment with a much easier and quicker way than that as we havearranged in the Long Beach Hotel, and with much less expenses.I feel sure that Canton city can be captured from the outset, that
Letter to Homer Lea Sept. 5, 1910 357

will save us all the trouble for a preparation of means and waysto attack it, after the movement is commenced, from outside, forit can be captured by surprise within at any time. In possessionof that city we possess at least a hundred thousand of modern ri-fles and sufficient quantity of ammunitions, and many hundred pie-ces of modern artilleries, and rifle and cartilage factories, and besidesplenty of ready money and vast resources of material supplies. Mostof the leaders are very reluctant to do anything other than capturethat city from the very start. I think also that that city is the mainobject from the beginning and besides it is much easier to captureit at the beginning than afterward. The money used for this pur-pose will be much less than the other scheme which we workedout in America.
 Now if Mr. B's New York project failed I want you to try someother way to get me half a million dollars (gold), for the Cantonscheme only, put the others aside for a while, until we achieve ourfirst object. Can you succeed in raising that amount of money inthe shortest possible time? If not, try to get as much as you can,but in any case send fifty thousand at once for preparatory work.Since I stopped the movement of this summer in the YangtzeValley and South China in conforming to your advice, all our hopesare concentrated in the American project. I shall be much obligedfor you to let me know at once if your and Mr. B's schemes both
Letter to Homer Lea Sept. 5, 1910 358

failed, so that I may take independent measure in the immediatefuture.
 With kindest regards to you and Miss Power.
Very truly yours,
Address:          Cable address:
    Chung San       Tekcheang
    c/o Tek Cheang     Penang
    197 Beach Street
    Straits Settlements
 If any money order also to the same name. In case of telegraphiccommunication use A.B.C. Code latest edition (5th) by adding 269to the figure of every word. Find the result and send that as cipher.When receiving any message deduct 269 from each word and theresult will be the decipher message.
 Before starting the movement from Canton it is a vital impor-tant for us to secure a perfect understanding of the English Gov-ernment. To do this you and I must go to London and work together.If the project of getting money in America is succeeded and the50,000 duly sent to me I will at once set the others to work and
Letter to Homer Lea Sept. 5, 1910 359

I myself go to London immediately to meet you there. And alsohave everything to be arranged beforehand in the city.If all your schemes failed get me as many letters of introduc-tion to Manila as you can and send them to me here at once. Muchobliges.

Letter to Homer Lea Sept. 5, 1910 360