To Mrs. Lea
To Mrs. Lea
To Mrs. LeaSept. 13, 1914 26, Reinanzaka Akasaka Tokyo, JapanMy dear Mrs. Lea:Your kind letter of Aug. 3rd is at hand, for which I desire totender you my warmest thanks and appreciation, especially for thegreat personal interest you have shown in my scheme of depart-ment stores.My plan of such a store is to relieve the financial straits andto facilitate commerce in revolutionary time, for as you well knowthat China's finance is controlled entirely by the foreign banks.When war breaks out commerce will be absolutely stagnant, thusthe people will naturally suffer a great deal. My plan is to avert suchsufferings, and it will not be opposed by any person.Our friend, Mr. J. Deitrick, has written me recently and I haveput the entire matter in his hands, so I shall not trouble you any-more about this matter. I am pleased to tell you that my work isprogressing favorably. I am confident that the time is near, whenthe reactionary government will be crushed forever. As soon as youhear that I have succeed in my undertaking or that I have gaineda footing in any part of China, I wish and hope that you will cometo the East as soon as possible for I need your assistance in variousmatters of importance.Again thanking you for your esteemed letter, and with kindestregards and best wishes. I am, Yours sincere friend, Sun Yat-sen
To Mrs. Lea
Sept. 13, 1914
26, Reinanzaka Akasaka Tokyo, JapanMy dear Mrs. Lea:
Your kind letter of Aug. 3rd is at hand, for which I desire totender you my warmest thanks and appreciation, especially for thegreat personal interest you have shown in my scheme of depart-ment stores.
My plan of such a store is to relieve the financial straits andto facilitate commerce in revolutionary time, for as you well knowthat China's finance is controlled entirely by the foreign banks.When war breaks out commerce will be absolutely stagnant, thusthe people will naturally suffer a great deal. My plan is to avert suchsufferings, and it will not be opposed by any person.Our friend, Mr. J. Deitrick, has written me recently and I haveput the entire matter in his hands, so I shall not trouble you any-more about this matter. I am pleased to tell you that my work isprogressing favorably. I am confident that the time is near, whenthe reactionary government will be crushed forever. As soon as youhear that I have succeed in my undertaking or that I have gaineda footing in any part of China, I wish and hope that you will come
Letter to Ms. Lea Sept. 13, 1914 401
to the East as soon as possible for I need your assistance in variousmatters of importance.
Again thanking you for your esteemed letter, and with kindestregards and best wishes. I am,
Yours sincere friend, Sun Yat-sen
Letter to Ms. Lea Sept. 13, 1914 402