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To General Homer Lea detail


To General Homer Lea

學習筆記 勘誤意見
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To General Homer Lea









Sun Yat-Sen

To General Homer LeaMay 9, 1910 HonoluluMy dear General:I just received news from China today says that the remnantof the 1st regiment about 7000 men have safely returned to theirhome in Kanchow, near Kwang Chow Wan, the French Conces-sion. They at once began propaganding work and have alreadygot more than 10,000 followers. They have collected about a thou-sand rifles with 200 cartridges each from their own district. Therest of the 1st regiment also returned to their respective districts,next numerous to Kanchow men are those of Haifung and Lufung,the two coast districts of the Waichowfu. They also working in theirown villages and also got more than 10,000 followers. At any timethe Kanchow and Waichow men are ready for business.The two undisbanded regiments of the new army in Cantonare going to be sent for garrison duty to the Kanchowfu. They [sic]ammunition is still not restore to them, but when they go off fortheir garrison duty this must be restored to them. Then we maymake good use of those men and their weapons.Mr. Hu, the party manager in Hong Kong, has went to Singa-pore with Messers Hwang and Chao, late regimental commanderof Canton, recently.I am sorry to tell you that one of my secretaries Mr. Wang ChingWei, with some others had been captured in Peking, and Mr. Wanghas been sentenced of imprisonment for life. The only hope forhim now is the capture of Peking by our army.I will go to Hilo tomorrow noon and return here in a week oftime. When you start for the East?With best regards to you and Miss Power. Very truly yours, Y. S. Sun








To General Homer Lea
May 9, 1910

HonoluluMy dear General:
 I just received news from China today says that the remnantof the 1st regiment about 7000 men have safely returned to theirhome in Kanchow, near Kwang Chow Wan, the French Conces-sion. They at once began propaganding work and have alreadygot more than 10,000 followers. They have collected about a thou-sand rifles with 200 cartridges each from their own district. Therest of the 1st regiment also returned to their respective districts,next numerous to Kanchow men are those of Haifung and Lufung,the two coast districts of the Waichowfu. They also working in theirown villages and also got more than 10,000 followers. At any timethe Kanchow and Waichow men are ready for business.The two undisbanded regiments of the new army in Cantonare going to be sent for garrison duty to the Kanchowfu. They [sic]ammunition is still not restore to them, but when they go off fortheir garrison duty this must be restored to them. Then we maymake good use of those men and their weapons.
 Mr. Hu, the party manager in Hong Kong, has went to Singa-pore with Messers Hwang and Chao, late regimental commander
Letter to Homer Lea May 9, 1910 342

of Canton, recently.
 I am sorry to tell you that one of my secretaries Mr. Wang ChingWei, with some others had been captured in Peking, and Mr. Wanghas been sentenced of imprisonment for life. The only hope forhim now is the capture of Peking by our army.
 I will go to Hilo tomorrow noon and return here in a week oftime. When you start for the East?
 With best regards to you and Miss Power.
Very truly yours, Y. S. Sun
Letter to Homer Lea May 9, 1910 343