To Monsieur Motta
To Monsieur Motta
To Monsieur MottaSept. 24, 1924 ShaokwanMonsieur MottaPresidentFifth AssemblyLeague of NationsGenevaDear Sir:In view of Mr. Ramsey MacDonald's disquisitions on the in-dependence of Georgia and international peace and justice at re-cent sessions of the Assembly of the League of Nations, it may bepossible interest to the League to know that on Sept. 1st I protestedto Mr. MacDonald against the delivery to my government of an ul-timatum which threatened hostile British naval action in the eventof my government taking the necessary measures to suppress a re-bellion at Canton instigated by imperialistic and reactionary inter-ests. To this protest, Mr. MacDonald has not replied.I understand that his silence to mean that British policy in Chinawill continue to express itself in acts of Imperialist intervention insupport of counter-revolutionary activities against the nationalmovement which aims at the establishment of a strong and inde-pendent China.It is no wonder that after assisting rebels and reactionaries inCanton, Mr. MacDonald goes to Geneva to champion the cause ofthe counter-revolution in the Republic of Georgia in the guise ofan "honest broker" scenting Caucasian naphtha. SUN YAT SEN
To Monsieur Motta
Sept. 24, 1924
ShaokwanMonsieur Motta
Fifth Assembly
League of Nations
Dear Sir:
In view of Mr. Ramsey MacDonald's disquisitions on the in-dependence of Georgia and international peace and justice at re-cent sessions of the Assembly of the League of Nations, it may bepossible interest to the League to know that on Sept. 1st I protestedto Mr. MacDonald against the delivery to my government of an ul-timatum which threatened hostile British naval action in the eventof my government taking the necessary measures to suppress a re-bellion at Canton instigated by imperialistic and reactionary inter-ests. To this protest, Mr. MacDonald has not replied.I understand that his silence to mean that British policy in Chinawill continue to express itself in acts of Imperialist intervention insupport of counter-revolutionary activities against the nationalmovement which aims at the establishment of a strong and inde-pendent China.
Telegram to Motta Sept. 24, 1924 475
It is no wonder that after assisting rebels and reactionaries inCanton, Mr. MacDonald goes to Geneva to champion the cause ofthe counter-revolution in the Republic of Georgia in the guise ofan "honest broker" scenting Caucasian naphtha.
Telegram to Motta Sept. 24, 1924 476