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To Ahchong detail


To Ahchong

學習筆記 勘誤意見
11 次數
120 次數

To Ahchong









Sun Yat-Sen

To AhchongApr. 25, 1910 Honolulu T.H.My dear Ahchong:How are your folks getting on in Bakersfield? Since I been hereI never hear from you yet. Why not write to me often?Herewith enclosed I send you a draft of $500 for the passageof your mother, wife and children and yourself to go back China.This is all what I can do for you at the meantime. You must go atonce without any delay when you receive this money. For Grandmais very sick and wish to see you all before she die, so you mustbe hurry, and do not disappoint me and Grandma and your Father.I have try very hard before I could get this money, so you mustuse it only for the purpose, I intended. Take the first steamer fromany port of United States or Canada. This money will also enableyou to pay off some of your debts, if it is necessary for you to doso before you start, but the rest of it you may make arrangementwith your creditors and I will do something for you to pay it offin the near future if you will obey what I told you "to go back atonce".Your Father is settled comfortably now in Hong Kong he hasland of his own and I will do something very soon to let him haveLetter to Ahchong Apr. 25, 1910 339a big and comfortable house, and so all of you may live comfort-ably together. And when you will be in Hong Kong I will try mybest to support you to finish your medical study in the Universityof Hong Kong.Do obey my wish and not delay! I am, Your affectionate Uncle Y. S. Sun








To Ahchong
Apr. 25, 1910

Honolulu T.H.My dear Ahchong:
 How are your folks getting on in Bakersfield? Since I been hereI never hear from you yet. Why not write to me often?Herewith enclosed I send you a draft of $500 for the passageof your mother, wife and children and yourself to go back China.This is all what I can do for you at the meantime. You must go atonce without any delay when you receive this money. For Grandmais very sick and wish to see you all before she die, so you mustbe hurry, and do not disappoint me and Grandma and your Father.I have try very hard before I could get this money, so you mustuse it only for the purpose, I intended. Take the first steamer fromany port of United States or Canada. This money will also enableyou to pay off some of your debts, if it is necessary for you to doso before you start, but the rest of it you may make arrangementwith your creditors and I will do something for you to pay it offin the near future if you will obey what I told you "to go back atonce".
 Your Father is settled comfortably now in Hong Kong he hasland of his own and I will do something very soon to let him have
Letter to Ahchong Apr. 25, 1910 339

a big and comfortable house, and so all of you may live comfort-ably together. And when you will be in Hong Kong I will try mybest to support you to finish your medical study in the Universityof Hong Kong.
 Do obey my wish and not delay!
I am,
Your affectionate Uncle Y. S. Sun

Letter to Ahchong Apr. 25, 1910 340