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To Charles B. Boothe detail


To Charles B. Boothe

學習筆記 勘誤意見
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To Charles B. Boothe









Sun Yat-Sen

To Charles B. BootheMar. 6, 1911 Vancouver, B.C.My dear Mr. Beach:I intended to write you long before this but always so busy andso unsettled about future plan that I could not do so. Now I amgo to leave here about a week of time and will stop over on wayin Kamloaps, Galgary, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal, thence toNew York. I expect to reach New York in a month of time. My ad-dress there will be Y.S. Sun, Care of Sing Fat Co., 1127 Broadway,New York. During the meantime communication can be forwardedthrough Tai Hon Yat Bo, Vancouver, B.C..As you cannot get for us the necessary funds in time we muststart the movement with our own means. I am now working in rais-ing money from my own countrymen and have succeeded in get-ting more than half we need already, and hope to get the other partalong my way east. As soon as money is enough we will set to workat once.How is your plan of getting money? Is it still any hope of doingsomething in a smaller scale than our original plan? If so I hopeyou would do something for us at once. If you could not do any-thing before my arrival at New York I have to ask you to send backthat paper which signed my comrades, registering post to the ad-dress which I gave above, for I have promised to my comrades toreturn their signatures in case of failure of raising the intendingfunds.With kindest regards. Yours very truly Y. S. Sun








To Charles B. Boothe
Mar. 6, 1911

Vancouver, B.C.My dear Mr. Beach:
 I intended to write you long before this but always so busy andso unsettled about future plan that I could not do so. Now I amgo to leave here about a week of time and will stop over on wayin Kamloaps, Galgary, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal, thence toNew York. I expect to reach New York in a month of time. My ad-dress there will be Y.S. Sun, Care of Sing Fat Co., 1127 Broadway,New York. During the meantime communication can be forwardedthrough Tai Hon Yat Bo, Vancouver, B.C..
 As you cannot get for us the necessary funds in time we muststart the movement with our own means. I am now working in rais-ing money from my own countrymen and have succeeded in get-ting more than half we need already, and hope to get the other partalong my way east. As soon as money is enough we will set to workat once.
 How is your plan of getting money? Is it still any hope of doingsomething in a smaller scale than our original plan? If so I hopeyou would do something for us at once. If you could not do any-thing before my arrival at New York I have to ask you to send back
Letter to Boothe Mar. 6, 1911 371

that paper which signed my comrades, registering post to the ad-dress which I gave above, for I have promised to my comrades toreturn their signatures in case of failure of raising the intendingfunds.
 With kindest regards.
Yours very truly Y. S. Sun
Letter to Boothe Mar. 6, 1911 372