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To Lady James Cantlie detail


To Lady James Cantlie

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To Lady James Cantlie









Sun Yat-Sen

To Lady James CantlieAug. 12, 1921 CantonMy dear Lady Cantlie:I have to thank you for your kind letters, dated June 26 andJuly 4, with enclosures. I am glad to know that you have movedinto new quarters where you will be able to arrange to entertainoccasionally the members of the Chinese community in London.That would be very nice of you; and I am sure it will be greatlyappreciated.I am interested, also, to learn that Sir James has been calledin as medical adviser to the new Chinese Minister. Belonging ashe does to what we at Canton consider the wrong party in China,Mr. Koo is likely to benefit in other than a medical sense from con-tact with one who is so devoted to right living like Sir James.I shall do what I can in the matter of the Child Slavery ques-tion in Hong Kong. If China had been permitted to get on in themanner contemplated ten years ago, the Hong Kong reactionarieswould not now have been able to defend the evil practice thereby referring to its prevalence in China in spite of its prohibitionby law. Let us hope that some day, not far distant, the practice willbe effectively and generally put down.I think Mr. and Mrs. Haslewood deserve the greated credit forwhat they have already done in the matter. They clearly belongto the order of workers of whom Wilberforce and Clarkson are thegreat English representatives.With my grateful thanks for your goodly prayers and warmwishes for the success of the CAUSE, Very sincerely yours, Sun Yat-sen








To Lady James Cantlie
Aug. 12, 1921

CantonMy dear Lady Cantlie:
 I have to thank you for your kind letters, dated June 26 andJuly 4, with enclosures. I am glad to know that you have movedinto new quarters where you will be able to arrange to entertainoccasionally the members of the Chinese community in London.That would be very nice of you; and I am sure it will be greatlyappreciated.
 I am interested, also, to learn that Sir James has been calledin as medical adviser to the new Chinese Minister. Belonging ashe does to what we at Canton consider the wrong party in China,Mr. Koo is likely to benefit in other than a medical sense from con-tact with one who is so devoted to right living like Sir James.I shall do what I can in the matter of the Child Slavery ques-tion in Hong Kong. If China had been permitted to get on in themanner contemplated ten years ago, the Hong Kong reactionarieswould not now have been able to defend the evil practice thereby referring to its prevalence in China in spite of its prohibitionby law. Let us hope that some day, not far distant, the practice willbe effectively and generally put down.

Letter to Ms. Cantlie Aug. 12, 1921 466

I think Mr. and Mrs. Haslewood deserve the greated credit forwhat they have already done in the matter. They clearly belongto the order of workers of whom Wilberforce and Clarkson are thegreat English representatives.
 With my grateful thanks for your goodly prayers and warmwishes for the success of the CAUSE,
Very sincerely yours, Sun Yat-sen

Letter to Ms. Cantlie Aug. 12, 1921 467