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中華民國國會議長的憲政功能與角色 detail



學習筆記 勘誤意見
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The Constitutional Function and Role of Legislative Speakers underthe Five-power Constitution













Five-power Constitution, Ye Xia-sheng, Impartiality of Legislative Speakers, Constitutional System



The establishment and development of the Republic of China’s constitutional system is closely related to the “division of powers” theory conceived by the founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen. In order to create a constitutional system in line with China’s national conditions, the founding father summarized his extensive experience gained from traveling the world. At the same time, the new system created in compliance with the doctrines in Europe and the United States, coupled with China’s fine traditions in the system since ancient times is said to be an unprecedented new invention. The Five-power constitution proposed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen not only possesses the traditional Western three-power separation, namely, administrative power, legislative power, and judicial power, the traditional Chinese examination power and supervisory power have been added, forming a globally unique five-power government structure. The founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen positioned the national assembly as an organ of state power and positioned the five-power government as an organ of governance. Hopefully, through the above arrangement of powers under the constitutional system can ensure the people have the right and the government have the competency, ultimately leading to the creation of an “omnipotent government” that brings benefits to the country and its people.
In particular, equivalent to the relevant powers of the parliament in democratic western countries, there are also special arrangements in the five-power constitution framework. In view of the constitutional texts, it can be seen that the legislative power, investigative power, constitutional amendment power, and other relevant powers exercised by the congress in the West are exercised by the National Assembly, Legislative Yuan, and Control Yuan under the framework of the Republic of China. Therefore, the concept of “congress to democratic countries in the West, its essence, is by no means directly equivalent to the “parliament” defined in the Constitution of the Republic of China. This is because the Three-power Constitution and the Five-power Constitution differ fundamentally. In this paper, the significance of “parliament” under Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Five-Power Constitution framework served as the starting point for restoring the positioning of an organ of parliament by the founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen. On the other hand, although the Constitution of the Republic of China is based on the constitutional theory constructed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, it was still restricted by political confrontation from all sides at the time of constitution-making. Relative to the founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s theoretical framework (the prototype of the Five-power Constitution), the constitutional text is a variant of the Five-power Constitution. Shortly following the implementation of the constitution, the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War broke out. In coping with the situation, the government of the Republic of China enacted the Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of National Mobilization for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion, freezing several articles in the constitution and completely sabotaging the spirit of the Five-power Constitution. Although the Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of National Mobilization for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion was abolished in 1991, seven amendments to the constitution immediately took place. As a result, the constitutional text never had a chance for long-term implementation. In this paper, the changes and development of the “parliament” during different periods after the Central Government retreated to Taiwan were analyzed. It combined with the current constitutional structure of contemporary Taiwan and the special historical background were used to explore the possibility for impartiality of legislative speakers in the Republic of China. Several policy recommendations were also put forth to serve as a reference during parliamentary reform.
The establishment and development of the Republic of China’s constitutional system is closely related to the “division of powers” theory conceived by the founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen. In order to create a constitutional system in line with China’s national conditions, the founding father summarized his extensive experience gained from traveling the world. At the same time, the new system created in compliance with the doctrines in Europe and the United States, coupled with China’s fine traditions in the system since ancient times is said to be an unprecedented new invention. The Five-power constitution proposed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen not only possesses the traditional Western three-power separation, namely, administrative power, legislative power, and judicial power, the traditional Chinese examination power and supervisory power have been added, forming a globally unique five-power government structure. The founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen positioned the national assembly as an organ of state power and positioned the five-power government as an organ of governance. Hopefully, through the above arrangement of powers under the constitutional system can ensure the people have the right and the government have the competency, ultimately leading to the creation of an “omnipotent government” that brings benefits to the country and its people.
In particular, equivalent to the relevant powers of the parliament in democratic western countries, there are also special arrangements in the five-power constitution framework. In view of the constitutional texts, it can be seen that the legislative power, investigative power, constitutional amendment power, and other relevant powers exercised by the congress in the West are exercised by the National Assembly, Legislative Yuan, and Control Yuan under the framework of the Republic of China. Therefore, the concept of “congress to democratic countries in the West, its essence, is by no means directly equivalent to the “parliament” defined in the Constitution of the Republic of China. This is because the Three-power Constitution and the Five-power Constitution differ fundamentally. In this paper, the significance of “parliament” under Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Five-Power Constitution framework served as the starting point for restoring the positioning of an organ of parliament by the founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen. On the other hand, although the Constitution of the Republic of China is based on the constitutional theory constructed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, it was still restricted by political confrontation from all sides at the time of constitution-making. Relative to the founding father Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s theoretical framework (the prototype of the Five-power Constitution), the constitutional text is a variant of the Five-power Constitution. Shortly following the implementation of the constitution, the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War broke out. In coping with the situation, the government of the Republic of China enacted the Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of National Mobilization for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion, freezing several articles in the constitution and completely sabotaging the spirit of the Five-power Constitution. Although the Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of National Mobilization for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion was abolished in 1991, seven amendments to the constitution immediately took place. As a result, the constitutional text never had a chance for long-term implementation. In this paper, the changes and development of the “parliament” during different periods after the Central Government retreated to Taiwan were analyzed. It combined with the current constitutional structure of contemporary Taiwan and the special historical background were used to explore the possibility for impartiality of legislative speakers in the Republic of China. Several policy recommendations were also put forth to serve as a reference during parliamentary reform.





