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To. Mrs. Aoe McGregor detail


To. Mrs. Aoe McGregor

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To. Mrs. Aoe McGregor









Sun Yat-Sen

To. Mrs. Aoe McGregorDec. 9, 1903 HonoluluDear Aoe: Before I took my tour to Hawaii I had sent you a book on Chinaand the Chinese. I think you have received it alright. What you thinkof this most populous and oldest empire of the world? Every keenobserver thinks it is the coming nation, and will be the greatestpower of the future, if only its people could be made to realize itsown strength and resources and could use it properly. You told me you are proud that you have the Chinese bloodin your vein, then you must take part too to awake the Chinesepeople from their long sleep into the day of modern progress. There is a much greater field in China for you, as an educatorfor the young, than in this Island. Do you have any idea to be ateacher in English for Chinese children in China? I think your ser-vice will be more appreciated there and your success will be with-out bound. When you come down to Honolulu? I should like to see youvery much. Have you anything to tell me? I shall be very pleasedto hear from you.Letter to Aoe Dec. 9, 1903 319 Yours truly, Y. S. SunP.S. I am staying at Young Hotel just now, in room 24, third floor. Come to see me here when you arrive in the city.








To. Mrs. Aoe McGregor
Dec. 9, 1903

HonoluluDear Aoe:
 Before I took my tour to Hawaii I had sent you a book on Chinaand the Chinese. I think you have received it alright. What you thinkof this most populous and oldest empire of the world? Every keenobserver thinks it is the coming nation, and will be the greatestpower of the future, if only its people could be made to realize itsown strength and resources and could use it properly.You told me you are proud that you have the Chinese bloodin your vein, then you must take part too to awake the Chinesepeople from their long sleep into the day of modern progress.There is a much greater field in China for you, as an educatorfor the young, than in this Island. Do you have any idea to be ateacher in English for Chinese children in China? I think your ser-vice will be more appreciated there and your success will be with-out bound.
 When you come down to Honolulu? I should like to see youvery much. Have you anything to tell me? I shall be very pleasedto hear from you.

Letter to Aoe Dec. 9, 1903 319

Yours truly, Y. S. SunP.S. I am staying at Young Hotel just now, in room 24, third floor. Come to see me here when you arrive in the city.
Letter to Aoe Dec. 9, 1903 320