Eulogy on the Death of Homer Lea
Eulogy on the Death of Homer Lea
Eulogy on the Death of Homer LeaNov. 6, 1912Unfortunately Mr. Lea was physically deformed but he posseda wonderful brain. Although not a military man, he was a great mil-itary philosopher, well poise in high military problems. He helpedme in a general way on military stratagem with reference to therevolutionary propaganda. He commanded a profound farsight andinsight in military affairs and was the author of a couple of bookson high millitary tactics and stratagem. Several of the prominentmilitary men paid tribute to his professional production, GeneralRoberts is one of his greatest admirers. He was a thoroughly sinc-fere man and devoted his whole energy to the Chinese Revolution.Honest in his dealings, sympathetic in his opinions, frank and res-olute, he had made a large number of friends among the Chinese.He helped me in Nanking until his death.
Eulogy on the Death of Homer Lea
Nov. 6, 1912
Unfortunately Mr. Lea was physically deformed but he posseda wonderful brain. Although not a military man, he was a great mil-itary philosopher, well poise in high military problems. He helpedme in a general way on military stratagem with reference to therevolutionary propaganda. He commanded a profound farsight andinsight in military affairs and was the author of a couple of bookson high millitary tactics and stratagem. Several of the prominentmilitary men paid tribute to his professional production, GeneralRoberts is one of his greatest admirers. He was a thoroughly sinc-fere man and devoted his whole energy to the Chinese Revolution.Honest in his dealings, sympathetic in his opinions, frank and res-olute, he had made a large number of friends among the Chinese.He helped me in Nanking until his death.
Eulogy of Death of Homer Lea, Nov. 6, 1912 488