Certificate for Koki H. Ike
Certificate for Koki H. Ike
Certificate for Koki H. IkeDec. 12, 1907 No. 6IB, Gambetta Street Hanoi, AnnamTo Whom It May ConcernGreeting:-I hereby certify that the undermentioned Japanese friend, Mr.Koki H. Ike, is fully authorized by me in regard to the matters ofraising funds for our revolutionary cause in China, and of obtain-ing commissarist or military stores for the same cause.I also certify that he has joined me for years, devoting his time,energy, and ability to our cause, and that he was on the spot withmyself, when I led my men in the actual bombardment of the fortsof Chin-Nan-Kwan, Kwang-Si, China, on the Fourth of December1907. (Signed) Sun Yat Sen
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Certificate for Koki H. Ike
Dec. 12, 1907
No. 6IB, Gambetta Street Hanoi, Annam
To Whom It May Concern
I hereby certify that the undermentioned Japanese friend, Mr.Koki H. Ike, is fully authorized by me in regard to the matters ofraising funds for our revolutionary cause in China, and of obtain-ing commissarist or military stores for the same cause.I also certify that he has joined me for years, devoting his time,energy, and ability to our cause, and that he was on the spot withmyself, when I led my men in the actual bombardment of the fortsof Chin-Nan-Kwan, Kwang-Si, China, on the Fourth of December1907.
(Signed) Sun Yat Sen
Certificate for Ike Dec. 12, 1907 480