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To Mrs. Cantlie

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To Mrs. Cantlie

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Republic of China date


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Sun Yat-Sen

To Mrs. CantlieNov. 14, 1913 Tokyo, JapanMy dear Mrs. Cantlie:I am in receipt of your letter acknowledging receipt of my let-ter from Japan. I am writing specially to ask you to be careful inyour conversation write so called "friends" of mine. As to Mr. Ad-dis who is now knighted by the King is not my friend. He was theone who financed Yuan Shih Kai in his undertaking against theSouth. I fear many pose themselves as my friends in order to gainyour confidence, and learn from you certain facts and opinions.I am not very well acquainted with Minister Lin, and from whatI heard of him, I do not think he will be or is on our side for weare certainly on the losing side now.It gave me great pleasure to hear how well your children aregetting along.Please remember me to Dr. Cantlie. I hope he is not workingtoo hard so as to injure his health.With sincere regard, I am, Yours most sincerely, Sun Yat Sen







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To Mrs. Cantlie
Nov. 14, 1913

Tokyo, JapanMy dear Mrs. Cantlie:
 I am in receipt of your letter acknowledging receipt of my let-ter from Japan. I am writing specially to ask you to be careful inyour conversation write so called "friends" of mine. As to Mr. Ad-dis who is now knighted by the King is not my friend. He was theone who financed Yuan Shih Kai in his undertaking against theSouth. I fear many pose themselves as my friends in order to gainyour confidence, and learn from you certain facts and opinions.I am not very well acquainted with Minister Lin, and from whatI heard of him, I do not think he will be or is on our side for weare certainly on the losing side now.
 It gave me great pleasure to hear how well your children aregetting along.
 Please remember me to Dr. Cantlie. I hope he is not workingtoo hard so as to injure his health.
 With sincere regard, I am,
Yours most sincerely, Sun Yat Sen
Letter to Ms. Cantlie Nov. 14, 1913 390