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題名(英):Analyzing the Political and Economic Transtion Experiences in the Third Wave Democratization Countries by Dr. Sun Yet-sen's 'Theory of Once for all Revolution' and 'Theory of State-building Processes'
作者:胡聲平(Sheng-ping Hu)
期刊名(中):孫學研究(Sunology Research)
關鍵詞(英):Dr. Sun Yat-senthe theory of once for all revolutionthe theory of state-building processesdemocratizationtransition theoriescivil society
摘要(中):  對於革命與建國,中山先生提出「一次革命論」與「建國程序論」兩種主張。從一國政治向民主轉型與經濟向資本主義轉型的角度分析,前者屬於激烈手段,追求政經同時轉型;後者屬於漸進改革策略,不追求政經同時激烈轉型。「建國程序論」的主張,與現代化理論主張頗為契合。該理論認為經濟與社會的發展將帶來政治的民主,因此主張開發中國家應先追求經濟發展,再推動政治民主,臺灣與南韓的政經發展經驗是最佳例證。至於「一次革命論」主張在進行民族與民權革命的同時,一併解決民生問題,以畢其功於一役,但其重點是解決中國的經濟問題。東歐及前蘇聯共黨政權崩潰後,這些前共黨國家政治制度都走向民主,故各國所要決定者,是在激進的震盪治療與漸進經濟改革中擇其一。部分國家採取震盪治療法,同時進行政經改革,另外有些國家採取漸進改革,兩種方式都有成功及失敗的例證。由於政治與經濟的轉型,牽涉許多不同的變數,不易找出統攝性的理論。但不論採取那一種策略,公民社會的強大與否,對民主轉型與轉型後的政治自由度,都具關鍵性的影響力。然而對於發展中國家而言,從經濟發展與公民社會的興起角度分析,採取漸進改革,仍是較佳的選擇。
摘要(外文):  On the issues of revolution and state-building, Dr. Sun Yet-sen proposed two theories, one is the 'theory of once for all revolution,' the other is the 'theory of state-building processes.' The 'theory of once for all revolution' resorts to radical means in pursuit of political and economic transitions. Instead, the 'theory of 'state-building processes' takes the incremental reforming strategies and does not pursue radical political and economic transitions simultaneously. In some ways, the 'theory of 'state-building process' is similar to modernization theory, which claims that the economic and social development will leads to political democratization. Therefore, the developing countries should pursue economic development before pursuing democratization. The development experiences in both Taiwan and South Korea from 1970s to 1990s are the supporting cases of modernization theory. The 'theory of once for all revolution' tries to solve political, economic, and ethnic problems at the same time, however, its main concern is solving economic problem in China. After the collapse of the communist regimes in East Europe and the former Soviet Union, these former communist countries all chose the democratic systems politically. However, these countries chose two different ways to reform their economic systems. Some countries pursue 'shock therapy' and some other countries pursue incremental ways in reforming their economic systems. No matter which strategy these countries chose, each strategy has successful and failing cases. Because there are many variables which will influence the political and economic transitions, it's hard to find a comprehensive theory to explain all transitions at the same time. Either the radical or incremental ways is better for a country depends on the political and economic conditions when a country enacts its reforms. However, whether countries choose the radical or incremental reforming strategies in reforming their political and economic systems, the strength of civil society will have crucial influences on democratic transition and the political freedom after transition. For developing countries, the incremental reform strategy is the better choice from the perspective of economic development and the growth of civil society.
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