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第 1 筆 / 共 1 筆  
題名(英):The demise of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in 1925 and the Condolences of the Taiwanese People
作者:趙勳達(Hsun-ta Chao)
期刊名(中):孫學研究(Sunology Research)
關鍵詞(英):Dr. Sun Yat-senPan-AsianismTaiwan People NewsTaiwan Daily NewspaperChiang Wei-shui
摘要(中):  孫中山逝世對於中國國民而言無疑是莫大噩耗,對臺人而言亦是如此。在1925年處於日本治下的臺灣人,是以何種心情來面對孫中山的逝世?是以何種方式來表達對孫中山的悼念?而孫中山的精神是否在海外的臺灣獲得了承繼?是本文討論的重點。同樣是報導孫中山之死,相較於官報《臺灣日日新報》的平實冷靜,被稱為「臺灣人唯一喉舌」的《臺灣民報》則是處處流露如喪考妣的哀戚之情,不論是在社說、新聞記事、隨筆、悼文皆是如此。臺人忌憚於日方的干預,無法光明正大地以「國父」之名悼念孫中山,乃迂迴地改稱以「弱小民族之父」,進行追悼。孫中山之所以被臺人視為弱小民族之父,乃是孫中山為弱小民族奔走一生的信仰與執念,讓臺人神往不已;而其死前提倡的「大亞洲主義」論述,更是成為臺人民族解放的寄託。此後,蔣渭水等人效孫中山的遺風,組黨謀求臺灣民族的解放,這更是對孫中山的遺囑最強而有力的呼應。
摘要(外文):  The demise of Dr. Sun Yat-sen was, without a doubt, deeply saddening news to the Chinese people and the Taiwanese people alike. The light in which Taiwanese people governed by the Japanese perceive the death of Dr. Sun, the way in which they expressed their condolences towards Dr. Sun, and whether the essence of Dr. Sun's ideology was passed down in Taiwan were among the issues that the researcher intends to discuss herein. Equally reporting on Dr. Sun's death, in contrast to the unemotional and neutral perspectives of the official Taiwan Daily Newspaper, Taiwan People News appeared to be grief-stricken throughout. Restrained by the interference of the Japanese oppressors, the Taiwanese people were not able to mourn Dr. Sun in the name of "Father of the Republic", but had to refer to him as "Father of the Weak and Small Peoples" instead. The reason why Dr. Sun was perceived as the father of the weak and the small peoples is that the belief and tenacity based on which he devoted himself entirely has always fascinated the Taiwanese people. Furthermore, the "Pan-Asianism" he promoted before his death provides mental hopes of national liberation to the Taiwanese people. Thereafter, figures such as Chiang Wei-shui followed Dr. Sun's teachings and formed political parties in pursuit of the national liberation of the Taiwanese people. This is considered to be the most substantial support to Dr. Sun's last wishes.
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