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題名(英):The Thought of Sun Yat-sen and The Textbook of junior high school after Chinese Civil War
作者:鄧毓浩(Yuh-haw Teng)
期刊名(中):孫學研究(Sunology Research)
關鍵詞(英):The thought of Sun Yat-senCurriculum standardstextbookthe textbook content of ChineseCivic educationHistory and Geographic
摘要(中):  孫中山先生是革命先行者,亦是中華民國國父,其思想貫通古今,學融中外,學說論述博大精深,體系完備。其理論除供作建國藍圖和學術研究之外,亦多為教科書撰述的題材。1949年國民政府遷臺,基於敬仰開國元勳,加強民族精神和反共復國的需要,將孫中山先生思想融入中等教育學程,不僅高中設有特定的三民主義課程,而且初(國)中相關課程,亦融入不少孫中山的志業與學說,本文選擇後者做為闡述的主題,由於中山思想至為豐富,本文不得不聚焦於以論史與述事為範圍的國文、公民與道德、歷史和地理等四類相關課程,做深入探討。
摘要(外文):  Sun Yat-sen is a revolutionary forerunner, and he is also the Father of Republic of China. The thought through ancient and modern, the discussion of doctrine is extensive and profound and had complete system. Except for blueprint of founding a state, the theory is the subject for textbook most of time. Nationalist government moved to Taiwan in 1949, based on the need to strengthen national spirit and anti-communist, Sun Yat-sen put his thought into the secondary school education. It not only had a specific curriculum Three People's Principle in high school, but also integrated into many thought and theory of Sun Yat-sen in junior high school. This article chooses the latter one as the subject. Due to the rich thought of him, we have to focus on Chinese, civic education, history and geography which related to history.
  In order to study Sun Yat-sen form textbook, we have to analysis the curriculum standard due to it represent implement of national policy, and it also reflect the needs of society development. After national government moved to Taiwan, from the revised curriculum standards to editing textbook, it has consistent operation procedures. The different era of curriculum showed different content of textbook. We've found that the most popular time of Zhongshan thought put into textbook are 50s to 60s. The 4 courses that we've mentioned before, they show the different content, but all of them integrated into Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles, five-power constitution, the founding of the outline, Sun Wen doctrine, civil rights and the important thinking of Industrial preliminary plans, etc., and also give a detail narrative of the leadership of the revolutionary of Sun Yat-sen, and the creation of the Republic of China, but with the government to lift martial law in Taiwan from authoritarianism into democracy, the textbook presents Zhongshan ideological are reduce than before. There is only the history part of textbook will talk about that. The civic education starts to talk about enforcing of power equilibrium system, the words of Sun Yat-sen almost disappeared in the textbook, and we could say that his mission was accomplished.
  This article is divided into six sections, mainly in curriculum standards and textbooks as topic, the analysis and reflection of adding Zhongshan thought into the textbook. We could know the policy of government, and may experience the impact of development of Sun Yat-sen's thought on Taiwan's political society.
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