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題名(英):A study on the Wukan citizens' movement by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's advocate of local self-government
作者:童慧玲(Huei-ling Tung)
期刊名(中):孫學研究(Sunology Research)
關鍵詞(英):Dr. Sun Yat-SenChinaLocal self-governmentWucan citizens' movement
摘要(中):  孫中山先生早在百年前預言中國將成為世界第一大國,但是他說:在民權發達的國家,多數政府都是無能的;在民權不發達的國家,政府多是有能的。中共治理的中國似乎正是如此,毛澤東主席當政時期,從1949年到1976年人民完全在中共的專政統治下,沒有當家做主的權力。尤其1966年到1976年十年文革期間,中國在絕對的專制集權統治下。孫中山先生早已提出由下而上的民主改革,他說民權以縣為單位,中國有三千個縣,三千縣之民權,猶三千塊之石礎,就能建立堅實的地方自治基礎。最了解當地事務的民眾在自治的情況下,決不會忽視與己利益相關的事,如此政客自然不能玩法弄權。孫中山先生說:將地方上的事情,讓本地方人民去自治,民國便自然成立。廣東烏坎村在2012年3月3日重新舉行村民委員會選舉,候選名單不再由上級指定,而是村民選出能做事的人。由於這是中華人民共和國第一次由人民自主的選舉,受到全世界高度重視;這次成功的民主運動,能不能向外、向上發展,使中國真正成為人民的共和國,是全球注目的焦點。
摘要(外文):  Dr. Sun Yat-Sen predicted, as early as a hundred years ago, that China would become the most populous nation in the world. However, he also said the government of most developed countries with civil rights is impotent. In less developed countries without civil rights, the government is more capable. The Communist Party-ruled China seems to be just the case. During Chairman Mao Zedong's administration from 1949 to 1976, people were fully under the autocratic rule of the Chinese Communist Party and had no ownership rights. During the cultural revolution from 1966 to 1976, China was a country in absolute despotism and under totalitarian rule. Before Communist rule, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen had already proposed for democratic reform from the bottom up. He stated that the unit for civil rights should be counties. Civil rights from 3,000 counties are akin to laying a foundation of 3,000 stones, and a solid basis of local self-government will be built. Dr. Sun Yat-sen said: let local people handle local affairs autonomously, and a republic nation will form naturally. In the Wucan village of Guangdong province, the villagers Committee election was held on March 3, 2012. The candidate list was no longer supplied by the higher authorities in the Chinese communist party; rather, candidates were selected by the villagers based on ability. Since this marks the first time an election is conducted autonomously by the people in the People's Republic of China, this event has attracted global attention. Whether the success from this democratic movement can spread outward and upward to make China a genuine People's Republic is the focus point of the world.
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