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題名(英):From State-nation to Nation-state -- A Comparative Analysis of Sun Yat Sen and Tunku Abdul Rahman's Nation Building Perspective toward the Path of National Integration in Asian Emerging Nations
作者:陳中和(Chong Chong, Chin)
期刊名(中):孫學研究(Sunology Research)
關鍵詞(英):state-nationnation-stateNational integrationSun Yat SenTunku Abdul Rahman Putra
摘要(中):  民族主義乃是對民族認同的一種經營與操弄,並以此劃分出族群邊界,區分你群和我群,以作為一個群體動員的力量,或資源分配的依據。一國之民族主義乃具有某種程度的排它性,並經由社會的意見領袖和權力機構不斷的教育和灌溉而成。惟世界各國民族主義的內涵在經由不同意見領袖的操弄下產生很大的差異,某些領袖認為國家的民族認同等同於個別族群的族群認同,國族的建構應只局限於某種單元的族群,並擁護族群中心的領導體制,以塑造一個以單一族群為基礎的族國,而其他領袖則認為國族的認同應包含了在一國的界限內所有族群的認同,後者較傾向於將所有族群整合成一個國族。
摘要(外文):  While drawing national boundaries and differentiate people from another, Nationalism is a belief that managing and manipulating national identity, as well as a force for group mobilization and a reference to resources allocation. As such, it is a belief exclusively for certain group of people aiming to form an independent nation. However, as a result of consecutive manipulation and education, the content of nationalism differs considerably between those opinion leaders or nation's forefathers. Some defines nationalism as an expression of single ethnic identity that paved a way to promote ethnocentric supremacy. This idea advocates that a state forming process should limited to one ethnic group and produces a nation-states, while other nationalists believe national identity should comprise variety of ethnic identities within the national boundary that leads to a building of state-nations.
  This article compared the nation-building ideas between the founding father of modern China and Malaysia, Dr Sun Yat Sen and Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, in order to search a way coping with ethnic conflict problem by examining their attitudes toward national integration. The research suggests that in early stages, both Dr Sun and Tunku tend to promote a narrow form of nationalism exclusively for one ethnic group to provoke a sense of rebellion against other foreign ethnics that inhabiting in the country. However, after forming a new nation, their ideas had changed dramatically by accepting the nationality of ethnic minorities and recognized their rights respectively. In this case, they performed an idea of state-nation by abolishing the idea of national integration within a single ethnic, and embarked on a process of multiracial integration. This article also suggests that during the national integration process, Dr Sun prefer assimilating all the ethnics to a single nation while Tunku prefer to a relatively moderated way of integration through power sharing and cooperation among ethnics. Thus far, differences between the two statesmen's ideas have contributed to two different paths of national integration for their nation respectively.
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