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題名(英):Examining the Development Strategy of Western China from Dr. Sun's "The International Development of China"
作者:唐彥博(Yen-Po Tang)
張瑞濱(Jui-Pin Chang)
期刊名(中):孫學研究(Sunology Research)
關鍵詞(英):Sun Yat-senRevitalizing the Industrythe International Development of ChinaThe Development Strategy of Western China
摘要(中):  由於中山先生民生主義對中國革命成功後的經濟發展,有諸多具體的主張和實施辦法,大陸學者陳金龍指出「孫中山思想之中確實包含有許多值得後人借鑒和吸收的精華。」中山先生主張振興實業,係因應世界潮流趨勢,並符合中國內部需要,不僅以養民均富為目標,並重視實業與國防兼顧,使國家臻於強國之境界,而欲達到振興實業的九項基本策略為(一)發展多元產業;(二)強調基礎建設;(三)重視普及教育;(四)倡導開放政策;(五)私有公有並存;(六)生產分配並重;(七)加強互助合作;(八)就業機會均等;(九)取善果避惡果。
摘要(外文):  As for Dr. Sun's Principle of People' Livelihood on the economical development, which has a good deal of concrete opinion and implementing method, the Chinese scholar Chen Jin-long pointed out the Dr. Sun's thought is worth studying. Dr. Sun insisted on proceeding with the industry, and keeping up with trends of world tendency, and industry's plan will meet China's demands. The industry's plan not merely makes all people be rich, but also regards the industry and the national defense. If the country wants to be a superpower nation in one day, we have to pay attention to the nine basic tactics of revitalizing the industry, including: a) to develop multi-industries; b) to emphasize infrastructure construction; c) to implement compulsory education; d) to declare the open policy; e) to let the private or public enterprises co-exit; f) to regard the production and distribution as equally important; g) mutual aid and cooperation; h) equal employment opportunity; i) to take the good fruit and to avoid the evil consequence.
  The Development Strategy of Western China was crafted in 2000, in which the major contents are: a) to develop the characteristic industries; b) to accelerate the infrastructure construction; c) to develop the education of science and technology; d) to expand opening to the outside world; e) to establish the perfect public and private management system; f) to adjust the structure of expenditures ; g) to promote the regions harmonious development; h) to fulfill the policy of obtaining employment; i) to do the environmental protection construction well.
  Since the Chinese government has implemented the Development Strategy of Western China, there are some achievements such as: a) to accelerate the economic growth; b) to complete the significant infrastructure; c) to improve the life quality in the countryside; d) to move forward ecological environment construction; e) to accelerate the educational development of Science and technology; f) to rapidly develop the characteristic industries; g) to promote the domestic demand effectively; h) to strengthened the opening to the outside world is strengthened.
  Though some achievements have been made in the development of Western China, we must have clear comprehension of the severe challenges China faces during the period of economic development, i.e., the gap between urban and rural areas and between different regions has been enlarging, especially in such aspects as health care and education; issues regarding the countryside, agriculture and peasants become increasingly obvious. There are large quantities of surplus labor force in rural areas and quality of life of the rural population is in urgent need of improving and human resources need rapid development. Therefore, if we can follow Dr. Sun's thought and principle, there will be helpful to resolve the problems and to achieve the goal of building the new rural construction and the harmonious society in China.
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