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第 1 筆 / 共 1 筆  
題名(英):The Changes and Prospects of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Five-Power Constitution Government System in Taiwan
作者:朱耀祥(Yao-Shiang Ju)
周虎林(Hu-Lin Jou)
期刊名(中):孫學研究(Sunology Research)
關鍵詞(英):The Five-power Constitution Governmental Systemthe Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of Communist RebellionAuthoritarianismAmendment of the Constitution
摘要(中):  我憲法雖係根據孫中山先生創立中華民國之遺教(即通稱之「三民主義」為基礎所制定,但內容因政治協商而多所調整,孫中山當年所倡導「五權憲法」之政府體制,在憲法中亦因制憲代表之立場看法迥異,而最後僅保有表面形式架構,實質內涵已大異其趣。行憲後國事多舛,臨時條款的頒布、戒嚴的實施,政府體制屢經調整,憲法始終無法完全落實,中山先生所設計之政府體制亦無由展現。雖然遷台之後政府仍標榜奉行中山先生之三民主義、五權憲法,但實際早已非原貌,七次修憲後更使僅存約五權憲法形式體制形同瓦解,國大遭廢止、監察院也已停滯無法運作,而政治卻依然處於修憲、制憲的爭論及不安當中。因此,本文由澄清中山先生「五權憲法」的政府體制著手,做正本清源的工作,再進一步探討此種「五權」的政府體制在台灣憲政發展中之角色與功能,最後再檢討比較當今世上主要的憲政體制在台灣發展的可能性,並試著提出一符合孫中山「五權憲法」體制精神的憲政新設計,以為本文對未來台灣憲政發展藍圖之期許,及對學界盡一份棉薄之力。
摘要(外文):  The Constitution of Republic of China is generally thought to be based on those doctrines of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "Three Principles of the People" and "Five-power Constitution". However, after the Political Consultative Conference which was called in January 1946, Dr. Sun's design of the government system was changed. There are still five branches for the government remained in the Constitution, but it was no more what Dr. Sun's ideal type of the government, the Five-power Constitution. Furthermore, because of the rebellion of the communist, the Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of Communist Rebellion were promulgated in 1948. Eleven articles were appended to the Constitution to cope with national danger or crisis, but it also blocked the implementation of the Constitution.
  In Taiwan, the Constitution has been amended seven times since 1991, Dr. Sun's Five-power Constitution governmental system is no more existed, but it seems that it still is not suitable for Taiwan. Until now, the new claiming of re-amending or even re-establishing the Constitution is still argumentative in public. Therefore, this study will try to clarify Dr. Sun's Five-power Constitution firstly, then to describe the roles and the functions of Five-power Constitution during those different periods of leadership. Finally, we will try to present a brand-new Five-Power Constitution governmental system which is still based on Dr. Sun's doctrines, such as Differentiation of Chuan (political power) and Nen (administrative power) and Five-Power Constitution, etc. We sincerely hope that a free and steady democracy will come soon in the future of Taiwan.
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